While hiking in the Whites...

I met a man named Joe Grubb, a NOBO (northbound thruhiker) on the Appaliachian Trail (a 2179 mile long trail from Georgia to Maine, the longest in the country).  He's...


I haven't kept up with the blog now that summer's here.  I've been out enjoying myself quite a bit. [caption id="attachment_1591" align="alignnone" width="386" caption="powell butte"][/caption] Also I'm planning some time...

More Pannier Talk

I've had a chance to test out a new pannier system for my convertible bags, and I want to share my results.  I posted about this a while back here. ...

Bike & Hike

I got to go on a little smudge of a bike & hike the other day.  Nothing strenuous, but I found myself on the coast in Mendocino county for a...

Cradle to Cradle

I just read this fantastic book, and I wanted to share some thoughts.  The book is Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough & Michael Braungart.  They propose a new industrial...