I met a man named Joe Grubb, a NOBO (northbound thruhiker) on the Appaliachian Trail (a 2179 mile long trail from Georgia to Maine, the longest in the country).  He's hiking the trail to raise awareness and dollars for the Elevate Hope Foundation - a group "dedicated to providing abused and abandoned children an alternative method of therapy through music and the arts"   He's nearing the end of his hike, and is still plugging for support.  You can read all about it and check out his video blog at his site:


After he finishes the hike - he told me he plans to bike from Boston to San Diego in order to continue his mission for the foundation.  I told him about North St and my plans to get some touring bags designs together, and an obvious partnership was sprouted.  I hope to show my support by sending out some bags in exchange for some publicity (not to mention some incredible product testing).  I was already planning on getting the first round of prototypes up for my own touring plans in October, so the timing works well.

In the meantime - good luck Joe!

My own adventures pale in comparison to his, but I sure did have fun.

owner Curtis on a hike in Vermont's green mountains

