North St. Bags Staff Recommends: Bike to Work Month 2018

Looking to refresh your bike commuting gear? Just starting out with bike commuting? Meet some of the people who make your bags and see some of the gear we use every day, then find your commuter kit here!


north st staffer with her north st bag

Bella | Sewing Lead & Machine Expert

What North St. bags do you own?
I have a Woodward! I’ve had it for more than a year now - it’s held up really well. I reorganize it almost every time I use it to make the most of all the pockets - that space is really valuable. I really want to grab some of the organizer pockets this summer.

Who made your bag?
I did! On my day off, haha.

What’s your commuting style?
I bike when the weather is nice and take the bus when it’s not, but I almost always have my Woodward.

Favorite biking destination?
Home! [laughs] I ride along the waterfront to get to work and home every day - down the Eastbank Esplanade. I love that part of my commute - it’s so great to just be near the water, and I always miss it when I ride the bus. One of the best parts of my day.

What's the best adventure you've taken with your Woodward in the last year?
I use it a ton when I’m traveling! It’s always my main carry on bag, and it fits in an overhead bin or under the seat if it’s not completely full.

I take it to the beach a lot, too - it’s so nice having all the pockets. My last trip to the beach was with a bunch of friends, and someone brought their cat on a leash. It was not an outdoor cat, so it couldn’t process suddenly being at the ocean. Me and my Woodward ended up hanging out babysitting the cat - not a bad gig!

What advice would you give to someone just starting to bike commute?
If it rains a lot where you live, make sure you have rear fenders! Your bag and your back will thank you. Replace your brakes regularly. Lessons I’ve learned the hard way! And get a good bag!


north st staffer wearing his backpack

Chris | Cutting and Hardware Expert

What North St. Bags do you own?

My first bag was the Davis Daypack - I got that because I needed something waterproof that I could use to commute to work. I bike everywhere and the rainy winter was fast approaching! I wanted something on the smaller side - I usually just have a few books, lunch, and my lock. That’s why I like the Davis, I can fit all that and stuff a few groceries on top. I use the Internal Organizer and move it around on the lining in the bag depending on how full the bag is.

The Davis is great for biking around - I can’t have a bike rack on my current bike, or I would definitely have a convertible pannier!

I also have a Pioneer 9 and a Pioneer 12. The 9 holds all my bookbinding supplies and it’s a great little pack for that.

I got my Pioneer 12 because I wanted something smaller than my Davis. My U-lock slides in the back webbing straps perfectly and my water bottle fits in the main compartment - if I’m just going out of the house real quick and don’t need my books, that’s the bag I take. I use it with the shoulder strap, and it’s super easy to get things in and out of.

What’s your commuting style?

I commute by bike every day. It’s a 10-15 minute ride, a straight shot in. It’s perfect, a great wake up in the morning, and I miss most of the heavy car traffic.

Favorite biking destination?

I love to go up to the International Rose Garden- it’s a bit of an incline, but so worth it. I’ve gone up Mount Tabor a few times, too. It’s so much fun - not on the way up, but on the way back down, I don’t have to pedal once for like, 20 blocks *laughs*.

Top adventure you’ve had with your bags in the last year?

I took my Davis out to Gifford Pinchot National Park in Washington. You drive an hour to the middle of nowhere to this trailhead with nothing around. We walked along a river to a swimming hole with a waterfall, and it was just amazing.

My step mom recently sent a picture of her Tabor Tote in the Caribbean, and my friend’s mom sent one of her tote on a beach in Hawaii, so they’re traveling out there!

What advice would you give to someone just starting to bike commute who’s looking for the right bag?

Always be prepared! You never know what’s going to happen. Whether it’s being prepared with clothing for the weather or having tools on hand. Most importantly, just enjoy your time on your bike! That’s my favorite part of biking! Just have fun and take in what you see - you can cover a lot of ground and really get to know the neighborhoods that you bike through in a way that you don't get with a car. But also pay attention to the road!

Have questions about which North St. bag is right for your commute? Reach out here!

Curtis Williams