Dear Friends, Squareholders, & Supporters,

Thank you for sharing our campaign, telling a friend and all your social and financial support! Thus far North St. Bags has reached over $6K of our $10K goal. We are so close to new machines we can practically hear the buzzing sound of success! As a company North St. strives to produce the highest quality handmade products, from US Made materials. That's precisely why we are participating in Community Sourced Capital, we are looking to attain the funds to improve production line, shorten our lead times and continue to grow as a local business. 

North St. Bags is expanding into new markets; obtaining additional machines and bulk materials will allow our business to increase production of US Made products in the active and outdoor industry. Please consider becoming a Squareholder before Oct. 28th to help our company grow.

We absolutely love our customers and hearing feedback is what keeps us motivated. Thank you for all your support!



The North St. Team 




"I bought a Route Nine bag earlier this year and use it every day. I love it and had a great experience with the staff when I ordered it. I would love to see this product more widely available--there's definitely a need! I've known & loved CSC for a while now, but this was the first campaign I contributed to, mainly because I know and love the product and think the company has great growth potential." - Seattle, WA


"Making a quality product that's required for day-to-day life is a good thing. Since its hand made I see the efforts and skill put by the team both in design and manufacturing it. Good luck with the business and eventually I hope to see "large volume, decent cost, high quality" variety bags (e.g camera,lens bag)." - Allentown, PA


"Big thanks on the panniers - I am LOVING them. They are super nice, very roomy, the colors are fabulous, and I really love all the tightening mechanisms - particularly the shoulder strap on the Route Nine. It is a whole new world after struggling with my [old] bag tightening mechanism for years. I love the little "made in USA" tag on the inside - a great reminder, as the local aspect is part of why I'm so psyched to be using your bags. Thanks to all the folks there at North St. I will proudly be spreading the word about your stuff, and your extremely nice and helpful service throughout the deciding and ordering and buying process." -  Portland, OR



North St. Bags