North Street Sale!  In celebration of it being a year since anyone's ever seen my bags,  I'm putting on a sale for the first two weeks of December!  Here's the deal:

15% off any bag bought within the first two weeks of December.  That includes stock bags as well as orders put in for custom bags.   That's at LEAST $32 off the Woodward Convertible!

As a bonus I'm offering 20% off for bags sold (or orders placed) at Bike Craft VI.  So check out the bags online, come on down to Bike Craft on Dec 4th or 5th and put your order in.  That's  at least $43 off the Woodward!!


  • -Limit one bag per customer, so bring a friend!
  • -My queue is currently filled through the 17th of December, but that still leaves time to order a bag for the holidays!  Space is very limited, so get your gift orders in first thing!
  • -If your order IS NOT needed by the gift giving day this year, and you can wait until later (after New Years, most likely) for your bag,  PLEASE let me know so I can focus on gift orders this month.  You will still get whichever discount is coming to you!
  • -Bags sold and orders placed at Crafty Wonderland will fall under the 15% off discount period.
  • -The 20% discount only applies to orders placed at the Bike Craft event.  If you need some time after the event to decide, you'll have another 9 or 10 days to get the normal 15% off.
  • -The discount is applied after all extras are added up, but before any shipping costs.
  • -This sale of course applies to bags sold by me, and not any of the retailers that stock my bags.

Hope to see you at the event!

