It's that time of year again to open the windows, let the fresh air in, and clean out those closets! Spring Cleaning is not only refreshing and therapeutic, but also a great  time to give back to your community! Parting with your belongings can sometimes be hard, we get it. Why not give your used items to organizations where you know they'll do some real good?!

Below is a list of our favorite local donation destinations. From office supplies, old computers, to used clothing; these four local organizations have our vote for proving their positive community impact!



Is a donation based creative re-use store located in NE Portland. SCRAP hosts an array of arts & crafts supplies, party favors, and promotes local re-use based artists in their Re:Boutique. SCRAP also provides a wide range of educational opportunities within the community.

Items to Donate:  Fabric scraps, Creative art supplies, Crafting tools


Is a Portland based 501(c)(3) non-profit that transforms used electronics into opportunity, education, and community. Free Geek also offers free classes to volunteers and the general public. Classes range from general introduction to computers to creating your own website. 

Items to Donate: Printers, Computers, Electronics


Is Oregon's first and only volunteer run school supply store for teachers. Schoolhouse Supplies holds the belief that every child deserves tje right to an education and adequate school supplies. Their mission, 'to serve classrooms in need by operating a volunteer - run Free Store for Teachers, which is stocked with supplies donated by the community.' 

Items to Donate: School supplies, Paper, Book bags



Is an organization where residents of downtown Portland have the opportunity to feel part of a community. Julia West houses offers guest residents opportunities to learn, hone skills, improve their futures, and become self- sufficient. Guests are expected to be civil and sober with a common goal to a better way of life.

Items to Donate: Used Business Attire & Casual Attire for both males and females


 This Spring Cleaning season as you pack up old items, keep in mind that what may be old to you, could be new and improved to others! Recycling isn't just about packaging, it's about giving household items a face lift and a chance at new adventures! Happy Cleaning!

North St. Bags